Welcome to the BigData Earth Developer Portal

We provide industry-leading APIs.

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99.95% availability

Our APIs can be used for mission-critical systems.

Unique Location Profile APIs

Simple API calls are application ready

Growing active users

Trusted by business professionals and experts

About our Location Profile APIs

Developers can discover and learn about BigData Earth's Location Profile APIs on property location and hazard risk intelligence. These application-oriented APIs are ideal for Web & Mobile Apps development. Sign up for an API key and start testing demo APIs right away.

Main features of the Location Profile APIs:

(1) applications in property location information, emergency & insurance, the news media, etc.;
(2) wide coverage including Australia, the U.S. and other regions;
(3) integrated location metrics in accessible forms - map, chart, image, animation and PDF report; and
(4) providing location analytics, contextual insights and flexible reporting at your fingertips.

Let our APIs enhance your business efficiency, agility and productivity!

API Documentation

Check out the API Documentation that describes how to use the APIs and includes code samples in multiple languages. The API developer portal here allows you to directly test the APIs and request reports. Please sign in first.

For third-party independent uses of APIs with server-side secure implementation and client-side scripting, we provide many examples at two property location and hazard risk information portals:
(1) https://propertylocation.com.au/ (for Australia)
(2) https://propertylocation360.com/ (for the U.S. and other regions)
We are happy to provide any assistance if needed.

Our APIs


Bushfire Risk APIs

Advancing Bushfire Risk Analytics with Location Profile APIs and Web Services

More info


Flood Risk APIs

Advancing Flood Risk Analytics with Location Profile APIs and Web Services

More info


Cyclone Risk APIs

Advancing Cyclone Risk Analytics with Location Profile APIs and Web Services

More info

Developer support

For more information about the Location Profile APIs, please visit BigData Earth website.

For subscriptions & technical support, as well as consulting services that turn your data into Web APIs, Web Apps and Web Services (along with the creation of standalone cloud-based big data & analytics platforms and white-label reporting), please stay in touch and send enquiries to developer@bigdataearth.com.